
OnyebuchiOnyebuchi A. Arah, MD, PhD, MPH
 Professor of Epidemiology, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Los Angeles; Honorary Skou Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark
Teaches: EPID 721 Applied Sensitivity Analyses in Epidemiology

BerrocalVeronica Berrocal, PhD, MSc
Professor, Statistics, Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences, University of California, Irvine
Teaches: EPID 778 Spatial Statistics for Epidemiological Data

BrinesShannon J. Brines, MEngS
Lecturer and Research Computer Specialist, School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 777 Geographic Information Systems for Epidemiology

BrouwerAndrew F. Brouwer, PhD, MS, MA
Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan 
Teaches: EPID 703 Applied Infectious Disease Modeling

Kimon DivarisKimon Divaris, PhD, DDS
James W. Bawden Distinguished Professor
Adams School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina
Teaches: EPID 712 Epidemiologic Foundations and Applications in Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Diseases

De SouzaRussell de Souza, ScD, RD
Associate Professor, Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact
Teaches: EPID 757 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

M EisenbergMarisa Eisenberg, PhD, MS
Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Complex Systems and Mathematics, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 793 Complex Systems Modeling for Public Health Research

Lars FritscheLars Fritsche, PhD
Associate Research Scientist, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 731 Analysis of Electronic Health Records

GuttermanTimothy C. Guetterman, PhD
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, Associate Director, Mixed Methods Program, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 706 Mixed Methods in Epidemiologic Research

HayashiMichael Hayashi, PhD, MPH
Clinical Assistant Professor , Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 793 Complex Systems Modeling for Public Health Research

Kevin HeKevin He, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 784 Survival Analysis Applied to Epidemiologic and Medical Data

Alan Hubbard

Alan E. Hubbard, PhD
Professor and Head of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
Teaches: EPID 708 Machine Learning for Epidemiologic Analysis in the Era of Big Data

John Iskander

John Iskander, MD, MPH CAPT, US Public Health Service
Teaches: EPID 747 Successful Scientific Writing

Jihyoun Jeon, PhD, MSJi Jeon
Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 730 Simulation Modeling of Tobacco Use, Health Effects and Policy Impacts

 KaufmanJay Kaufman, PhD
Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University
Teaches: EPID 787 Multilevel Analysis


Catherine R. Lesko, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 
Teaches: EPID 780 Applied Epidemiologic Analysis for Causal Inference

LuoZhehui Luo, PhD, MS
Associate Chair for Research
Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Michigan State University
Teaches: EPID 733 Quasi-experimental Methods in Epidemiology


Rafael Meza, PhD
Distinguished Scientist, Department of Integrative Oncology
BC Cancer Research Institute
Vancouver, BC Canada
Teaches: EPID 730 Simulation Modeling of Tobacco Use, Health Effects and Policy Impacts

MondulAlison Mondul, PhD, MSPH
Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 709 Fundamentals of Epidemiology

Laura PowerLaura Power, MD, MPH
Clinical Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Internal Medicine, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 724 Leadership and Strategic Planning for Public Health

RuizNarvaezEdward Ruiz-Narvaez, ScD
Associate Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 719 Bioinformatics Analysis of Epigenomics Data

SenAnanda Sen, PhD
Lee A. Green Collegiate Research Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Research Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 766 Analysis of Longitudinal Data from Epidemiologic Studies

ShiXu Shi, PhD
John G. Searle Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 731 Analysis of Electronic Health Records

SchipperMatthew Schipper, PhD
Professor of Radiation Oncology and Biostatistics
Director, Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
University of Michigan
Teaches; EPID 717 Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials

Caroline ThompsonCaroline A. Thompson, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Gillings School of Global Public Health
University of North Carolina 
Teaches: EPID 716 Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Research

Linda Valeri, PhDValeri
Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University
Teaches: EPID 720 Applied Mediation Analysis

Lu WangLu Wang, PhD
Associate Chair for Research, Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 702 Analysis with Missing Data in Epidemiology

Seungmi YangSeungmi Yang, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health, McGill University
Teaches: EPID 761 Social Determinants of Population Health

ZhouXiang Zhou, PhD
Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Teaches: EPID 701 Fundamentals of Biostatistics