Ph.D. Student Profile

Jessica Ibiebele, MPH, BSN
- Doctoral Student
MPH, Epidemiology and Global Health, Saint Louis University, 2016
BSN, Nursing, University of Arkansas, 2011
BSN, Nursing, University of Arkansas, 2011
Research Interests & Projects
Some of my research interests are: infectious disease epidemiology, transmission dynamics
of respiratory viruses, healthcare epidemiology and infection prevention, global health,
emerging pathogens, social epidemiology, racial/ethnic disparities in infectious disease
morbidity and mortality
Selected Publications
- Ibiebele, J, Silkaitis, C, Dolgin, G, Bolon, M, Cullen, J, Zembower, T. (2021). Occupational
COVID-19 exposures and secondary cases among healthcare personnel. American Journal
of Infection Control. 49(10), 1334-1336. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2021.07.
021. - Nas MY, Ibiebele J, Dolgin G, et al. The intersection of hand hygiene, infusion pump contamination, and high alarm volume in the health care environment. Am J Infect Control. 2020;S0196-6553(20)30207-8. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2020.04.006.