Environmental Health Sciences

man reading book

IN THE NEWS: How To Recapture Peace and Quiet In a Noisy World

New Contribution from Rick Neitzel

It is estimated that 30 million Americans are exposed to dangerous noise levels on a regular basis—up 10 million from just a few years ago. Research has shown that being strongly annoyed by noise is associated with increased depression and anxiety, can spike blood pressure, heart rate, and cause stress.

Water bottles

IN THE NEWS: Plastic Is Probably Harming Your Health--Here's How

John Meeker Quoted in Salon

Plastic is commonly used in a multitude of items due to its convenience and cost. As a result, many people don’t often evaluate the potential health risk that it presents. In a statement published earlier this year by the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks, 14 emerging health and environmental issues were identified. Near the top of that list was plastic.

smoke stack

Departments Collaborate on Panel Discussing Future Climate Change and Health

Collaboration and Leadership from Trish Koman and Dean Bowman

The Michigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease recently sponsored its annual “Climate Change and Health: What the Science Says and What We Can Do” forum in collaboration with the Environmental Health Sciences department of the School of Public Health and the School for Environment and Sustainability of the University of Michigan.