
Michigan on a map.

Strict Public Health Measures During Holidays Likely Saved Lives in Michigan

New research from Marisa Eisenberg

Increased social distance measures over Thanksgiving and Christmas following the Pause to Save Lives might have prevented more than 100,000 coronavirus cases in Michigan—potentially avoiding thousands of deaths during the holiday season, according to preliminary findings by the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

People running on a track.

Disordered Eating in Female Athletes Fueled by Body Image Ideals, Coach-Athlete Power Dynamic

New Research from Traci Carson, PhD '21

A new study shows that body-image ideals and the power dynamic between coach and female athletes may contribute to an athlete’s risk of disordered eating and body image disturbance. The research of current and former female NCAA Division I female distance runners highlights the importance of prevention and intervention programs to migitage eating and body image disorders.

A graphic illustration of the coronavirus.

Five Things to Know about the COVID-19 Vaccines

This week, the University of Michigan School of Public Health hosted a virtual discussion with epidemiologists Arnold Monto and Emily Martin on what we currently know about the COVID-19 vaccines. Here are five key takeaways from the event.

A patient's arm.

New Study Links Cadmium to More Severe Flu, Pneumonia Infections

New research from Sung Kyun Park

High levels of cadmium, a chemical found in cigarettes and in contaminated vegetables, are associated with higher death rates in patients with influenza or pneumonia—and may increase the severity of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, according to a new study.