Health Equity

older adult taking pill

Improving Affordability of Prescription Drugs

Q & A with Minal Patel

Out-of-pocket expenses for prescription medications impose a heavy financial burden, especially on low- and middle-income patients with chronic diseases, often reducing adherence to medication and worsening health outcomes. Members of Congress have launched an investigation into the rising prices of life-saving drugs like insulin.

Riana Anderson

New Faculty Spotlight: Riana Anderson

We are excited to welcome Riana Anderson as a new assistant professor in Health Behavior and Health Education. We recently interviewed her to learn more about her work and what brought her to the School of Public Health.

Foreclosure sign

University of Michigan Launches New Projects to Fight Poverty

On any given day across Michigan nearly 100 homeowners or renters could be evicted—a rate almost one-and-a-half times the national average. That is a problem one of nine new projects funded by Poverty Solutions and with support from the Detroit Urban Research Center aims to tackle in 2019.