
Macro photo of a mosquito

Examining the association between Malaria and Burkitt lymphoma in sub-Saharan Africa

New research from Kelly Broen

A new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) and led by University of Michigan School of Public Health researchers is adding to growing evidence of the association between cumulative malaria infections and endemic Burkitt lymphoma (eBL) in the sub-Saharan African countries of Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya.

Headshot of Christopher Friese

Christopher Friese appointed to National Cancer Advisory Board

President Joseph Biden named Christopher Friese among seven new members of the National Cancer Advisory Board, an elite group of 18 cancer clinicians and researchers who play an important role in guiding the director of the National Cancer Institute in setting the course for the national cancer research program. Friese’s term will last six years.

A doctor talking to a patient.

Expanded Lung Cancer Screening Eligibility Would Save Lives

New research from Rafael Meza

Reducing the initial screening age and including those with lower smoking exposures would help avert lung cancer-related deaths, according to a new study by the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network, led by a University of Michigan researcher.