Urban Health

Abandoned Home

Blight-Busting Demolitions Reduced Gun Injuries, Deaths in Detroit Neighborhoods

New Research from Marc Zimmerman

For the past half-decade, Detroit’s government and community groups have worked to tear down abandoned houses and buildings in the city’s most blight-stricken neighborhoods. A new University of Michigan and Harvard University study shows an 11% drop in homicides and serious injuries caused by firearms in the areas where more than a few demolitions took place

man reading book

IN THE NEWS: How To Recapture Peace and Quiet In a Noisy World

New Contribution from Rick Neitzel

It is estimated that 30 million Americans are exposed to dangerous noise levels on a regular basis—up 10 million from just a few years ago. Research has shown that being strongly annoyed by noise is associated with increased depression and anxiety, can spike blood pressure, heart rate, and cause stress.